I've got a poem in the new issue of 'Whatever’s Left: A Blackout Poetry Zine' from Coin Operated Press. "Blackout poetry uses found text to form new works of poetry art. You can redact elements of text with a marker pen, paints, inks, etc. to seek out the poem within - or you can cut and paste words to form your own poem. Blackout poetry is a visual method of creating new meaning in found words through alteration."
Also known as ‘Cut Up’ poetry – the technique has been used by the surrealists and the likes of William Burroughs and David Bowie who cut up bits of text, sometimes from newspapers and randomly arranged the words to make poems and songs.
My contribution is taken from my 9/11 project, which is currently a bit stalled. It was exhibited last year in my 'News From Nowhere' show and will be in my book about 9/11 (if I ever get round to finishing it).