POLEMIC |pəˈlemik|noun a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: via medieval Latin from Greek polemikos, frompolemos ‘war.’
DYSTOPIA |disˈtōpēə|noun an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. Opposite of Utopia. ORIGIN late 18th century.: from dys- [bad] + Utopia.
PANACEA |panəˈsēə|nouna solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. ORIGIN mid 16th century.: via Latin from the Greek panakeia, from panakēs‘all-healing,’ from pan ‘all’ + akos ‘remedy.’
SOMA |ˈsoʊmə| |ˈsəʊmə|noun Hinduisman intoxicating drink prepared from a plant and used in Vedic ritual, believed to be the drink of the gods.• (also soma plant) the plant from which this drink is prepared. ORIGIN from Sanskrit sōma. In Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New World, Soma is a popular dream-inducing drug. It provides an easy escape from the hassles of daily life and is employed by the government as a method of control through pleasure.